Using G, J G is written: 1. In all forms of verbs whose infinitive ends in-ger-gir
Except weaving, grinding
catch, pretend, protect,
will abide
2. In words ending in-people-igen, "Igen, - Iger, Iger
-regent, contingent, insurgent force, oxygen, alien, indigenous
3. In words that are built with geo-leg-
Save: Bleach
geography, geology, geometry, height, regulation, legible, legitimate
4. In words that have the endings-gio (a)-ogy, "file system employed (a)
contagion prodigy track, bleeding, pathological, magic, praise, prestige, biology, logic
5. The compounds and derivatives
logic, analog
6. The endings-gia-gio - region-regional-religious-marginal-gionario - gírico and female. Except
: plug, bleach and Regional
heresy, magic, region, marginal, originating contagious eulogy
J is written: 1. In the joint Ja, jo, ju
box, soap, fun, young, together, judge
2. In nouns and adjectives in-Jero,-Jeri
Save: light, flaming
clockmaker, watchmaker, locksmith
3. In words that begin with aje-axis. Except
: agency agent, agenda, Aegean and its derivatives
others, chess, executive, such as exercise
4. In words ending in-aje
branches bluntly, language, landscape, travel
5. Verb forms past tense, future tense and subjunctive mood of verbs ending in-ie-produce, "bring
adduction, I argued, led, lead, derogation or, would result reduced, costume, cut, bring, reduce, draws
6. Verbs ending in-jear
browse, browsing, exchange, limp
7. All verb forms with the sound je, ji, which in its infinitive without them:
Drive - I drove, saying, "I said, bring-brought
Exercise: Define and builds a sentence with each of the following words:
tour tour
ingest ingest
interference Interference