Cities, squares and balconies ... many times, people seem to frequent them. A clear example is "The wall or the wall of the weary or lazy" in Tangier, the popular name by which Tangier know peculiar place. A name that has never bothered. It's actually a place like a sort of terrace or balcony giant. I do not know exactly where comes this "ominous" nickname. There is something suspicious but I'm convinced this as inappropriate adjective has to do with their strategic characteristics, with the character of the Tangier or the history of this city. Sour
Maâgazine or town of Faro, from its banal and horrific restoration of 1985, is one of the most beautiful viewpoints of the city, since it dominates the ancient and mythical port, part of the old city, the spectacular bay Tangier and, when the horizon is clear, you can even see vehicles moving through the streets of the town of Tarifa (across Strait). This strategic place is decorated, I die of a vulgar, some old cannons pointing symbolically to the Strait of Gibraltar, that is, directly to Europe. Personally, I never found the reason for which has come to be nicknamed and known by an adjective so unfortunate, which does not correspond in any respect, with its historical location, nor with its splendid views. It is ruled
laziness harmonize with the beauty, it only remains to inquire into the past and the profile of its inhabitants, and in this moment I am reminded of the scourge of suffering and neglect. The city and its characters were delighted and hated at the same time. Up Today we have always believed forget, but, what can we do?, we are a country full of crowds without any hint of sanity. The Tangier accept what they are fruit of penance by the blows received in the past. They can be unpredictable and interventionist. They have been accused of being lazy, lazy, useless and even the fucking English children. They have also been described as a stiff hungry and be aware only of the gossip and the sea, but the continued bombardment has not worked on them any impact and continue stuck in this indifference have become used to the blows. Poor creatures!, Flagellates and stayed for years mortified in the queue, in the open. Man!, This drop was so long that even the Punisher himself seemed to be annoyed and probably regretted it. Clearly the Tangier have suffered for years mismanagement of the government, in reality it is not laziness but an imposed silence, a quiet and dreamy inwardness devoid of the past. I wonder what merit it is up to each of the two sides? I think in the end because, after all, we should celebrate the lifting of the punishment and the coup de grace. Why not declare a holiday, one in the calendar and everyone happy?
citizens of Tangier was remembered as this place in the 60 and 70, with beautiful gardens and benches (now absent), with its wonderful and colorful terrazzo floor, now replaced by cement sealed vulgar drawings, equally vulgar, black reflection of the Depression and a sad end in the currently submerged and the city, all very far from that memorable Tangier internationally known as a faithful lover of art and beauty. A terrace was landmark and must visit for tourists. A viewpoint which represented the symbol of the city. A unique space situated in one of the most beautiful avenues, Boulevard Pasteur European architecture characterized by diffuse, in a country clearly influenced by English, Italian and French.
Why I stopped to think about this scene in Tangiers?, Then simply because I feel infinite curiosity about the beginning of this profound calm, and sloth. That viewpoint was a reflection of its inhabitants and their lifestyle. That tranquility was a relaxed, sensual giving its inhabitants a sense of their stocks, harmonizing with the happy life they led. This laziness is possibly inspired by the blues and has its own harmony, which is evident in the way of expression in speech, or as hot or as angry as those inside. Laziness is a simple people, the fruit of long waiting and uncertainty, wait so long for anything. It's a laziness that comes from being both happy and unhappy. Laziness is a fruit of solitude and silence. A real shame!
laziness harmonize with the beauty, it only remains to inquire into the past and the profile of its inhabitants, and in this moment I am reminded of the scourge of suffering and neglect. The city and its characters were delighted and hated at the same time. Up Today we have always believed forget, but, what can we do?, we are a country full of crowds without any hint of sanity. The Tangier accept what they are fruit of penance by the blows received in the past. They can be unpredictable and interventionist. They have been accused of being lazy, lazy, useless and even the fucking English children. They have also been described as a stiff hungry and be aware only of the gossip and the sea, but the continued bombardment has not worked on them any impact and continue stuck in this indifference have become used to the blows. Poor creatures!, Flagellates and stayed for years mortified in the queue, in the open. Man!, This drop was so long that even the Punisher himself seemed to be annoyed and probably regretted it. Clearly the Tangier have suffered for years mismanagement of the government, in reality it is not laziness but an imposed silence, a quiet and dreamy inwardness devoid of the past. I wonder what merit it is up to each of the two sides? I think in the end because, after all, we should celebrate the lifting of the punishment and the coup de grace. Why not declare a holiday, one in the calendar and everyone happy?
citizens of Tangier was remembered as this place in the 60 and 70, with beautiful gardens and benches (now absent), with its wonderful and colorful terrazzo floor, now replaced by cement sealed vulgar drawings, equally vulgar, black reflection of the Depression and a sad end in the currently submerged and the city, all very far from that memorable Tangier internationally known as a faithful lover of art and beauty. A terrace was landmark and must visit for tourists. A viewpoint which represented the symbol of the city. A unique space situated in one of the most beautiful avenues, Boulevard Pasteur European architecture characterized by diffuse, in a country clearly influenced by English, Italian and French.
Why I stopped to think about this scene in Tangiers?, Then simply because I feel infinite curiosity about the beginning of this profound calm, and sloth. That viewpoint was a reflection of its inhabitants and their lifestyle. That tranquility was a relaxed, sensual giving its inhabitants a sense of their stocks, harmonizing with the happy life they led. This laziness is possibly inspired by the blues and has its own harmony, which is evident in the way of expression in speech, or as hot or as angry as those inside. Laziness is a simple people, the fruit of long waiting and uncertainty, wait so long for anything. It's a laziness that comes from being both happy and unhappy. Laziness is a fruit of solitude and silence. A real shame!
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