Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week Before My Period, Cervix High

brief guide to the analysis of narrative text

For the analysis of a text we must consider the following:

1. Marco
sociohistorical context. Far-reaching social and historical events that occur at the time the work is located. You can also include the author's biography.

2. Theoretical Framework
features literary movement or trend that is part of the work.

3. Level history

3.1 Summary of history and / or sequences

3.2 Subject.
The theme is the central idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. The basic human problem that occurs in the text. It should be indicated in a few words. The item should appear in the events.

3.3 Characters.

3.3.1 Depending on the holdings they have in the text divided in: Actors or principal. They are distinguished as those who develop them and share things happen.

antagonists. Those facing the actors and try to stop them from achieving their aims and objectives.

Side. Are necessary to the narrative. Sometimes they help the protagonist to achieve their goals or team up with the antagonist. Incidental They appear in the narrative but its features do not matter.

3.3.2 Characters as its characterization
type or flat characters are those who from the beginning of the work are defined, and are seen in the same way until the end.
complex characters or round. Are those characters through the work they will know until the end.

individual characters. The individual characters move the plot alone and occupy an important role. Characters

groups. A conglomerate, a people, a race, sometimes they are fundamental in the work.

3.4 Time Period

3.4.1. Specifies a stage where there are historical events. 3.4.2 Time
goal. The period in which events occur, from inception to completion. 3.4.3 Time
subjective. It occurs in the minds of the characters from their thoughts, memories, and other developments. 3.5

Space. The place where the story happens.

4. Speech Level

4.1 Order. Narrative sequence. Prospective Order

4.1.1. It is said that the actions are narrated in chronological order from the beginning. 4.1.2 Order
retrospective. They say if the actions are narrated from the past to the beginning of the text. 4.1.3
Order intercropping. They say if suddenly in the narrative is reminiscent of past events. 4.1.4
alternative order. It says if the narrative of past events are mixed and present.

4.2 Duration. Resource of the narrator to narrow or expand the story

4.2.1 Pause. It stops time in history, to describe or comment in detail
4.2.2 Summary. Acceleration in the telling of the story to move quickly
4.2.3 Ellipsis. Maximum acceleration in the story, unlike the short, omit the details, like the mention of dates. 4.2.4
Scene. The history and speech are equivalent, here date back shares or dialogues that most interest the narrator.
Voice of narrator

First person:
included or intradigético Narrator 4.3.1. If the narrator is a witness or character in the story told. Narrator 4.3.2
autobiographical. If the narrator is the main character in the story.

4.3.3 In third-person narrator
viewer. If the narrator is included in the story. Narrator 4.3.4
excluded or extradiegetic. If the narrator tells the story from the outside without being a character or an eyewitness to the facts. Narrator 4.3.5
Overlay. If the narrator gives to another narrator's voice to alternate stories. 4.4

Perspective. Narrator's point of view. Can be objective or omniscient.
Objective 4.4.1. If recounts the events of respecting the privacy of the characters
4.4.2 Omniscient. If you know all the events and thoughts of the characters.

4.5 Structure. How the text has been constructed.
4.5.1 Introduction. 4.5.2
Conflict. 4.5.3
Climax or knot. Most touching time when all the issues cut
Outcome 4.5.4. End or resolution of the story. 4.6

Employment Resources
stylistic language. If used, cultivated, colloquial, popular, regional or specific jargon.
Extension of paragraphs or chapters.
use of tenses. Preferences
between description, narration, argumentation, dialogues, etc.

5. Personal Impressions

- Bibliography -

Lazaro Carreter, Fernando, and Correa Calderón, Evaristo. As discussed in literary text. Mexico, Ediciones Catedra / cultural Publications, 1989. 205 pp.

Paredes Chavarria, Elia Acacia, Pr ontuario reading, language, writing, oral communication and notions of literature. Mexico, Limusa, 2000 446 pp.

Pimentel, Luz Aurora, The story in perspective. Study of narrative theory. Mexico, Siglo XXI editors / UNAM., 1998. (Linüística and literary theory) 191 pp.

Ruffinelli, Jorge, Reading Comprehension. Mexico, Trillas / ANUIES, 1999. (Basic topics, Area: Reading and Writing Workshop, 9) 110 pp.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Why Do Hot Cheetos Cause Diarrhea

A mutation linguistic and a Death Foretold. MADAME PORTE

I preferred to stay and take tea at the Cafe de Paris, located in front of the consulate of France, exactly in the former Place de France, in the old Boulevard Pasteur, while others gave a walk, walk until the Star and back. I decided to sit down to do the same as other customers: people-watching and other rivers of pedestrians of all sectors and classes of the city.

So I tried to get all my curiosity trying to take their pulse for strollers, and none appeared pint of tired. Singular and curious spectacle is completely free and, moreover, nothing is wrong. No seem free, I think they are victims of asphalt, part of the slave army of endless trips that do not lead anywhere: go to go, has no fixed direction. The tours are increasingly being stretched more and someday, I believe, will reach great distances to leave the city, they will probably exceed the Mediterranean motorway. They take refuge on the floor, pretending to whispers and gossip that everything goes smoothly. Sometimes they can be seen holding hands or fingers intertwined, something normal in Tangier. A walk should be a way to escape possibilities and shortcuts to that one ceases to be involved in the noise, and should not be limited exclusively to mere pointless walks.

Boulevard Pasteur 1950.

long ago the city of Tangier has moved on from those few long years of refinement and elegance. Those glory years were replaced by others from obscurity and neglect. It was a vengeful and merciless punishment. For years the future of Tangier weighed like a millstone. More than half of Tangier remained asleep, drugged, standing and silent. Today emerges a glimmer of hope and the city is engaged in a frenzied growth process, due to new plans that will end years of surprising obscurity. Pasteur Boulevard was built in the heyday, back in the 30's, as a commercial street and a meeting of the modern city. Unfortunately, almost without realizing it, became, little by little, in a place of gossip, the ups and downs, twists and turns waiting to see the girl alleged, crosses or malicious intriguing glances, looks discouraging, the simulated indifference looks, glances of complicity, mocking, looks and more looks, ...

And so, without more, our Boulevard Pasteur announced has undergone a metamorphosis, sad and profound result of the negligence and impotence, reincarnated in simply "Bolevar" popularly known as today. It was a linguistic mutation, a pronunciation derived from a default dialect and slang mouthed, following the bloody colonial aftermath. There, every evening will be crowded with loads of people, as mentioned above for a walk, going and coming without any goal. This "Bolevar" must have the force giant magnet that attracts the Tangier and became daily in one of the key points of the human confluence in this labyrinthine city. It is reached from anywhere.

Today everything has changed and the Boulevard Pasteur has ceased to be a long time, what was and has lost its splendor. What a shame! The pain of my memories keep me from walking, more and more distant in time and not knowing anybody, ambling between meaningless bustle, and I refuse to be part of this circus every day, do not want to be one more and my body to walk wandering, just like that. No, I refuse outright. The truth is that this area of \u200b\u200bthe city still retains some of the elegance and glamor traits that made him famous Tangier. The architecture of its buildings still Western dyes.

Boulevard Pasteur has always emerged as the main artery of the modern city, since it was accessible to all those unforgettable street names: Statutes, Fez, Belgium, Murillo, Viñas, Velazquez, De la Croix, Goya, etc.. .... And there were located the most famous establishments: Kent Stores, Galleries Preciados, Ros House, Café Savoy, Madame Porte Tea Room, Cafe Paname, Brasserie, Tagore, corner, Zagora, Jewelry Orly, Algemene Bank Netherland ... Fortunately, the Boulevard Pasteur, as of today, still retains a certain extent, visible to the nostalgic who wants to see, taste and the trace of its past.