Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Cat And The Hat Rhyme


Good morning!

started the week with prizes that Eva has given me, the blog What's new girlfriend? . Two awards

accompanied by a series of questions, gossip, as I call it, it is good to know a little better.

The first is the Girl Blogger Award . Beginning with the tag!

Why did you decide to create you a blog?
been a long time reading blogs, especially fashion and cuisine. One day I was a bit boring I started thinking about what it would be mine: name, content, colors, ... Without further I created. In addition, last year was a difficult time for me and wanted to convey my optimism to others. And, as Artemis "I wanted to have a fashion blog" , haha.

What does the name headed your blog?
For A Sweet Day
literally means A Day Dulce. As I said before I wanted to convey optimism and happiness and that is something that I believe is achieved through small things. It makes me happy to see my dog \u200b\u200bhappy, sit a while in the sun, laughing and eating sweets! They also say that nobody bitter sweet;)

What are the topics on my blog and that you base specifically?
As this is my little corner I speak of what interests me, mainly fashion, beauty, events and festivals and explain some recipes that everyone can do. I try to add a look of what I have in my day to day.

The second prize is a really cute picture! Blog is the prize Friendship.

The rules are:

-image and not change the content of the award.

-Answer: What is friendship for you?

For me friendship is very valuable to care for and feed so it is not damaged.

-Reply- How do you contribute to help the environment?

many years I've been concerned about this issue. In my house we recycle everything. We are very careful with the water we spend, but trying not to give us showers and bathrooms close While the faucets. Also turn off lights when not in use. I also fashion collections eco fixed and when I go shopping I carry cloth bags, which also seem super fashion;)

-appoint and reward your fans to make more comments on your blog (Eva, no I give it back but you deserve it!):

Days of Rain
LBH Fashionhada
Capriccio Il Mio Piccolo by Fabiola
holidays Pluto
Artemis' Project
Corner Isa and more
Must Have
by Lu's Closet Jane
a fashion blog I

And stop already, but I'd give them all!

If you do not know do not forget stopping by the blogs that have received the award and by What's new with you? is a charming woman.

post Tomorrow I'll bring something different. Hope you like!



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