Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tracy Turnblad Hair In The New Hairspray

10,000 REASONS

Good morning!

Yesterday was a very special day for me for various reasons (good and bad). But what definitely made my day was discovering that the blog had reached the 10,000 hits!

10,000 reasons to smile!

I started this little blog in January and every day I'm more proud of him. He is bringing much joy, I know people with whom I share tastes and and is a hobby to which I devote my time is much affection. So

I want to thank all of you , because you are mostly women, for being there for visiting my corner. For those who comentaís daily, for which you do from time to time, for which you visit me anonymously and of course, the 124 people who are "officially" A Sweet Day.


wish I could personally give each of you. Since I can not, I do virtually with this Strawberry Mousse.


250 gr.
strawberry 200 ml. of whipping cream sugar

This recipe is very fast and very tasty. First we put the cream in a bowl with several tablespoons of sugar, depending on your taste. I poured 2 tablespoons because I like very sweet;) is mounted with the rods. Then put on the chopping strawberries without the tail and chop until it looks like a somewhat thick strawberry juice. Add the strawberries to the whipped cream gently. Reserve in refrigerator until serving time.

can also add a spoonful of yogurt to give a different touch or put in the freezer for a while to crystallize.

Now we can provide! A hug and see you tomorrow!


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